Trengen is the validation and generation tool of Trentino runtime. It validates users contribution and generates many artifacts necessary extra artifacts that are used by the runtime to access, execute and manage the deployed contribution. Generated artifacts include:
Trengen validates the contribution against Service Component Architecture v1.1 (SCAAM v1.1) and SCA client and implementation Model for C++ Specification V1.1.
usage: Trengen usage -cf,--config_file <file> Read options from a configuration file -cont <contribution_directory>|<zip_file_of_contribution_directory_tree> specifies the root directory of SCA contribution, can be a zip file or a path -D <property=value> use value for given property. Only used together with 'cf' option -d Trengen runs in debug mode -disable_exit disable exiting when Trengen is finished. USED for Development purpose only -ec <directory list> Comma or semi colomn separated list of paths to contributions that are imported by this contribution. Use this when this contribution import another one using the <import.cpp> tag in sca-contribution.xml -exclude <directory pattern> comma or semicolon separated list of directory to be excluded. e.g '*/boost/* -gencppitf <a directory, a path to .java or file> generate C++ interface from a given interface definition file. The java file based model or a tidl configuration file containing the path of the java based model. If the path is a directory, then all * files in the given directory will be processed. -generateCMake <true|false> Generate CMake file, default to true -h,--help print this message -inc <header file name> name of an optional header file to be included in the generated c++ header file. -includedirs <directory*> comma or semicolon separated list of directories, service and component header files are located. Default are <root>, <root>/services -install_dir <contribution_installation_directory*> Optional. Trengen generates a Cmake file for the generated code. It requires the location where binaries will be installed as result of a Cmake install. Default value is the 'META-INF' of the <contribution_directory> -lib <library names> Library names (not path) of the service/component implementations. Names are separated by ';' or ','. Default is the contribution name. -libdirs <directory*> comma or semicolon separated list of directories, where libraries containing the service/component implementations are located. Default is <contribution> and <contribution>/lib. -no_inline <true|false> default false: true if the generated code should not be inline. In that case a cpp file is generated (only) for complex types -outdir <output_directory> If provided it specifies the output directory for the Trengen generated code. Default is <input_directory>Gen. -rootdir <root directory> alternative root directory used for searching header files and component types. Does not apply to composites. -rtdir <<runtime_directory*>> specifies the location of the Trentino Runtime. Optional since Trengen tries to resolve the runtime path automatically. -v If provided, Trengen shows info logs. Trengen outputs the generated code along with a cmake file under the [ContributionName]Gen folder at the same level with the contribution folder. The user should compile the generated code according to the provided CMake. As the result of the compilation of generated code the “sca-contribution.dll”, “sca-contribution.lib”, “sca-contribution.conf “ files are placed under the META-INF folder of the contribution. (For detailed sequence please see section :Compiling and Installing A Sample Contribution)
The validation includes a syntax and a semantic validation.
The Syntax validation validates the contribution and its artifacts (componentType files, composites, contribution documents, ...) against specified xsd schemas provided by the SCA specification.
Semantic validation takes place after and if syntax validation was successful. It includes validation of the relationship between artifacts, the consistency of the whole contribution as defined by the SCA Specification