Trentino Interface description language (TIDL) reference


The Trentino Interface description language is used to describe remotable Services by the Trentino SCA (default) binding. The interface has the same concepts as corba IDL, but use the java language to describe services. Using the java language to describe our (C++) interface has many advantages.

  • We can reuse existing IDE when creating our interface
  • We rely on a robust java JDK for parsing the IDL
  • Reuse existing java knowledge

Why do we need TIDL?

  1. To be interoperable. TIDL is neutral and we can use it to generate code for other Languagues like java (e.g used by Management and monitoring tool to acces a runtime). Example: Android client
  2. In TIDL we can put more Interface description information than in normal C++ code Example: Complex addressing where the response to a request should be send to more than one recipient Example: metadata to set time out for a method
  3. Semantic of remote procedural call migth be difficult to implement by hand. Example : Interface methods should not use pointers Example : Data binding: only legal data structures have to be exchanged -Y user have to learn format of leagl data structure. Trengen have to be able to sucessfully serialize all deta created by the end user
  4. Parsing issue: The CPP Parser is not well tested and the functionality covered until now, is missing some important features Example: MACROS expansion
  5. Extensibililty: extends the framework by extending the TIDL while the generated interface is not changed.

Example interface

package Trentino.Example.BasicCalculatorRemote;

//We MUST ALWAYS Import this package
import org.trentino.tidl.*;

public interface BasicCalculator extends TInterface{

	ComplexNumber add(ComplexNumber a, ComplexNumber b);
	TInt addSimple(TInt a, TInt b);
	ComplexNumber divide(ComplexNumber a, ComplexNumber b);
	void multiply(ComplexNumber a, ComplexNumber b,@Out ComplexNumber c);
	ComplexNumber divide2 (TupleComplexNumber tuple);
	TUInt calculateAge (Person person) throws ValidationException;
	class ValidationException extends TException{
     TString details;
	class Address extends TStruct{
	  TString street;
	  Phone phone;
	class TupleComplexNumber extends TStruct{
		ComplexNumber a;
		ComplexNumber b;
	class Phone extends TStruct{
	TString home;
	TString mobile;
	class Person extends TStruct{
		Address addres;
		TString name;
		TString surname;
		Person mother;
	 class ComplexNumber extends TStruct{
		TInt a;
		TInt b;

The description of the interface is self explanatory for a java developer. An interface extends "TInterface" and has methods. An interface can import types.

TIDL types

TIDL support simple and complex types. All TIDL simple types are prefixed with "T", to differentiate them from other java types.

Simple types

  • TBool: the boolean type
  • TDouble: the double type
  • TFloat: the float type
  • TInt: the int type. TInt is mapped to int32 C++ type
  • TUInt: unsigned int type: mapping uint32
  • TLong: the long type: mapping int64
  • TULong: the long type: mapping uint64
  • TString: represent a string, mapping a C++ std::string

Complex types

Complex types are defined by creating a class that extends "TStruct" or that extends another complex type. A complex type defines all the fields it contains. The fields MUST be TIDL simples types or TIDL complex types. Inheritance is supported for complex types. A complex type can reference a object from the same type.

	 class Person extends TStruct{
		Address addres;
		TString name;
		TString surname;
		Person mother;


TIDL support exception specification. An exception is a TIDL complex type with the particularity that it extends "TException" instead of "TStruct"

	class ValidationException extends TException{
     TString details;


An interface is a java interfaces, with the exception that a TIDL interface always extends "TInterface". It is described in a java file with the same name.

Import section

A TIDL interface MUST allways import org.trentino.tidl.*; This import statement will import all the basic TIDL types and annotations in the TDIL description file.

Interface Methods

Interfaces methods are normal java methods. All the types used by a TIDL methods as arguments or return types MUST be TIDL types. Normal java types like "String", "int" are not used and will cause the compilation and code generation to fails. Exceptions can be specified on methods. In that case, exception MUST be a TIDL exception.

Methods arguments

Methods arguments can be annotated to describe their behaviour.

void multiply(ComplexNumber a, ComplexNumber b,@Out ComplexNumber c);

@In Annotation

@In annotation indicates that the parameter is an input parameter. So that it should not be modified.

A Parameter without annotation is supposed to be @In annotated

@Out annotation

@Out indicate that the given parameter is an output parameter, that should be filled by the service with data. It is therefore modifiable.

@InOut annotation

This annotation indicates that the parameter is an input but also output parameter. The service is supposed to read data from that parameter but also write to it back.

C++ code generation

Trengen can generate C++ code from a TIDL Interface. The generated code is used to implement the client and the server. See the trengen chapter (usage) for more details about the C++ code generation from TIDL interfaces.

Example generated C++ code

This is the corresponding C++ code generated for the BasicCalculator interface specified in the last section

// Generated by Trentino TDIL CPP interface generator. do not modify

#ifndef TrentinoExampleBasicCalculatorRemoteBasicCalculatorH
#define TrentinoExampleBasicCalculatorRemoteBasicCalculatorH

#include "BasicCalculatorGlobal.h"
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0

#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
#include <string>

typedef  boost::int32_t  tint32_t;
typedef  boost::uint32_t  tuint32_t;
typedef  boost::int64_t  tint64_t;
typedef  boost::uint64_t  tuint64_t;

namespace Trentino{
namespace Example{
namespace BasicCalculatorRemote{

//forward declaration
class ComplexNumber;
class Phone;
class Address;
class Person;
class TupleComplexNumber;
class ValidationException;

//                                         ComplexNumber
//! \brief 
	tint32_t a_;
	tint32_t b_;

// constructor and destructor---------------------------------------
	virtual ~ComplexNumber();
// default instance
   static const ComplexNumber& default_instance();
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
	void set_a(tint32_t value);
	tint32_t a() const; 
	void set_b(tint32_t value);
	tint32_t b() const; 
 //default instance data
   static ComplexNumber* default_instance_;
}; //class ComplexNumber

//                                         Phone
//! \brief 
	std::string* home_;
	std::string* mobile_;

// constructor and destructor---------------------------------------
	virtual ~Phone();
// default instance
   static const Phone& default_instance();
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
 	const std::string& home() const;
 	void set_home(const std::string& value);
	void set_home(const char* value);
	void set_home(const char* value, size_t size);
 	const std::string& mobile() const;
 	void set_mobile(const std::string& value);
	void set_mobile(const char* value);
	void set_mobile(const char* value, size_t size);
 //default instance data
   static Phone* default_instance_;
}; //class Phone

//                                         Address
//! \brief 
	std::string* street_;
	Phone* phone_;

// constructor and destructor---------------------------------------
	virtual ~Address();
// default instance
   static const Address& default_instance();
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
 	const std::string& street() const;
 	void set_street(const std::string& value);
	void set_street(const char* value);
	void set_street(const char* value, size_t size);
	Phone* mutable_phone();
	Phone& phone() const;
	bool has_phone() const;
 //default instance data
   static Address* default_instance_;
}; //class Address

//                                         Person
//! \brief 
	Address* addres_;
	std::string* name_;
	std::string* surname_;
	Person* mother_;

// constructor and destructor---------------------------------------
	virtual ~Person();
// default instance
   static const Person& default_instance();
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
	Address* mutable_addres();
	Address& addres() const;
	bool has_addres() const;
 	const std::string& name() const;
 	void set_name(const std::string& value);
	void set_name(const char* value);
	void set_name(const char* value, size_t size);
 	const std::string& surname() const;
 	void set_surname(const std::string& value);
	void set_surname(const char* value);
	void set_surname(const char* value, size_t size);
	Person* mutable_mother();
	Person& mother() const;
	bool has_mother() const;
 //default instance data
   static Person* default_instance_;
}; //class Person

//                                         TupleComplexNumber
//! \brief 
	ComplexNumber* a_;
	ComplexNumber* b_;

// constructor and destructor---------------------------------------
	virtual ~TupleComplexNumber();
// default instance
   static const TupleComplexNumber& default_instance();
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
	ComplexNumber* mutable_a();
	ComplexNumber& a() const;
	bool has_a() const;
	ComplexNumber* mutable_b();
	ComplexNumber& b() const;
	bool has_b() const;
 //default instance data
   static TupleComplexNumber* default_instance_;
}; //class TupleComplexNumber

//                                         ValidationException
//! \brief 
	std::string* details_;

// constructor and destructor---------------------------------------
	virtual ~ValidationException();
// default instance
   static const ValidationException& default_instance();
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
 	const std::string& details() const;
 	void set_details(const std::string& value);
	void set_details(const char* value);
	void set_details(const char* value, size_t size);
 //default instance data
   static ValidationException* default_instance_;
}; //class ValidationException

//                                         BasicCalculator
//! \brief 
class BasicCalculator{
	virtual ComplexNumber add (const ComplexNumber& a,const ComplexNumber& b) =0;
	virtual tint32_t addSimple (const tint32_t a,const tint32_t b) =0;
	virtual ComplexNumber divide (const ComplexNumber& a,const ComplexNumber& b) =0;
	virtual void multiply (const ComplexNumber& a,const ComplexNumber& b, ComplexNumber& c) =0;
	virtual ComplexNumber divide2 (const TupleComplexNumber& tuple) =0;
	virtual tuint32_t calculateAge (const Person& person) throw (ValidationException)=0;
}; //class BasicCalculator
} //namespace Trentino
} //namespace Example
} //namespace BasicCalculatorRemote

#endif //TrentinoExampleBasicCalculatorRemoteBasicCalculatorH

Providing default values at model level

Default values for structures can be defined in a TIDL using the @Default annotation.

public interface ICommandService extends TInterface{

    TBool isRunning();
	StorageRackData getStateData();
   void setCommand(Command command);
   void setCommandWithIdentifier(TString identifier, Command command);
   class StorageRackCommand extends TStruct {
        TFloat activePower;
        TFloat reactivePower;  
   class Data extends TStruct{
		TBool isValid;
		TString Name;
		TFloat StateOfCharge;
		TFloat MaxChargingPower;

The @Default annotation has tree attributes.
  • nv (Number Values): used to store default values for numbers. Example: @Default(nv=-1)
  • sv (String Values): used to store default values for strings. Example: @Default(sv="Default")
  • bv (Boolean Values): used to store default values for boolean. Example: @Default(bv=true)

Only fields with primitives types can have default values. Putting default values on complex types has no effect during code generation.